MARCH 9, 2007


12:30 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Paula Keefe, Ellen Abelson, Richard

                    Gorden and Mark Mazur




1.  The Board gave their final approval for the minutes to our 3/2/07 meeting.


  1. The Board reviewed and then signed four Certificates of Penalty Tax due for property owned by Morse Brothers, Inc.


  1. The Board reviewed and then signed a schedule of uncollectible excises for a

2007 motor vehicle excise.


  1. After examining new documentation provided by the applicant, the Board decided

to reconsider the FY2007 application for abatement for the personal property account for Tees Plus.  They then granted a FY2007 abatement to Tees Plus.


  1. The Board directed the Administrative Assessor to seek time extensions for two

applications for abatement.  This will enable us to provide the applicants with the

hearings that they requested.


  1. The Board took the following actions on fiscal year 2007 abatement applications for the following properties:


Parcel 121-90              Denied

Parcel 48-14                Denied

Parcel 82-18                Denied

Parcel 64-85                Denied

Parcel 3-25                  Granted

Parcel 74-84                Denied

Parcel 91-13                Denied

Parcel 69-262              Granted

Parcel 119-5                Granted

Parcel 59-94                Denied

Parcel 75-108              Denied

Parcel 101-18              Denied

Parcel 102-92              Denied

Parcel 130-39              Granted

Parcel 86-11-3             Denied

Parcel 38-12                Denied

Parcel 120-50              Granted

Parcel 35-7                  Denied

Parcel 65-58                Granted

Parcel 29-36                Denied



  1. The Board discussed the possibility of drafting a form letter that could be sent to

abatement applicants to explain the Board’s reasoning when they have acted on an application.  The Board directed the Administrative Assessor to draft such a letter.


  1. The Board discussed the denial of a CPA exemption applicant.  The Board

directed the Administrative Assessor to write to the State to verify what they

said verbally about this case.  The Board also directed the Administrative

Assessor to call to explain our reasoning.


2:30 P.M.  Adjourned